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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Communication Quotes

Quotes About Communication
  • The transfer of information in any form between people. 
  • Everyone Communicates Few Connect
  • People are entitled to their opinions and should be free to do so as long as they articulate their feelings with respect for others. But when people decide to share their opinions in a way that is meant to hurt another person's feelings, that is when they become haters.
  • Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.  Jack Welch
  • A culture is made -- or destroyed -- by its articulate voices.
  • Talkers are usually more articulate than doers, since talk is their specialty.  Thomas Sowell

Your Message Moves Farther When You Show AND Tell - THE LAW OF VISUAL EXPRESSION 
People Do What People See = Show and tell is better than tell. A picture is worth a thousand words, but if you show a picture and communicate with words at the same time, it is life-changing. People do what people see. When your audience hears and sees your message, it doubles the strength of what you communicate.
The One Skill You Need To Have = Everyone communicates, but few connect. If you can have one skill to determine your success in life, that one skill you would want to develop and build up your life, it would be communication. Almost everything depends on your ability to not only communicate, but to communicate well.
It's All About Others = "Get over yourself." It's as simple as that. Make it about others by adding value to them, not you.

Actions speak louder than words—it’s true. Sometimes, you are speaking your loudest when your mouth is completely shut. It’s all in your attitude. What is your attitude saying about you? Are you communicating care and value to others, or are you simply raining on their parade?

Quotes about Communicator

I'm trying to communicate here. I'm a communicator, I like to communicate, and if a million people buy it then we've touched a million people, if only 10 people buy it, then we've only touched 10, and that's important because I'm satisfied with only 10. But, I love a million.   Graham Nash

Communicate Like A Leader: Live with Roddy Galbraith
In the third of four stops on our Maxwell Leadership City Tour, Mark Cole and world-renown speaker and communication expert, Roddy Galbraith, talk about how to communicate like a great leader. Everyone has something to say, but not everyone knows how to communicate it.
Key takeaways:
- The better we get at communicating, the better we get at life
- Everyone has something to say
- Much of communication is about listening
You're Not Talking, But You're Still Communicating = Actions speak louder than words—it’s true. Sometimes, you are speaking your loudest when your mouth is completely shut. It’s all in your attitude. What is your attitude saying about you? Are you communicating care and value to others, or are you simply raining on their parade?

How Great Coaches Communicate
In this episode, John Maxwell teaches us how great coaches communicate! Whether you coach in sports, in business, or even in your family, this episode will give you a play book for motivating your team to reach their next level of performance. After John’s lesson, Mark Cole and Chris Goede discuss practical ways you can apply this to your life and leadership. 
Key Takeaways:
- “It’s not what you tell your players that counts. It’s what they hear.” –Red Auerbach 
- Information = giving out
- Communication = getting through

Psalm 19:2 Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.

Ephesians 4:29  ⌊No rotten word must proceed⌋ from your mouth, but only something good for the building up of the need, in order that it may give grace to those who hear, 

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how it is necessary for you to answer each one. 

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