Quotes About Acceptance

- Accept everything about yourself -- I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end -- no apologies, no regrets. Henry Miller
- Ah, when to the heart of man was it ever less than a treason to go with the drift of things to yield with a grace to reason and bow and accept at the end of a love or a season. Brendan Francis
- For the ordinary man is passive. Within a narrow circle (home life, and perhaps the trade unions or local politics) he feels himself master of his fate, but against major events he is as helpless as against the elements. So far from endeavoring to influence the future, he simply lies down and lets things happen to him. Clark Moustakas
- Happiness can exist only in acceptance. George Orwell
- I do not care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. Groucho Marx
- Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. Albert Einstein
- One must not attempt to justify them, but rather to sense their nature simply and clearly. Maureen Dowd
- Only by acceptance of the past can you alter it. T.S. Eliot
- Remember, what we allow we encourage. Michael Josephson
- The art of acceptance is the art of making someone who has done you a small favor wish that he might have done you a greater one. Russell Lynes
- The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for. Simone De Beauvoir
- We must let go of the life we planned in order to accept the life that is waiting for us.
- When we accept tough jobs as a challenge to our ability and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen. Arland Gilbert
- You can't please everybody if you are going to make a difference in this world.
- Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. --Albert Einstein
- No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. --Alice Walker
- Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. --William James

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1 Timothy 4:9 (NIV) This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance.
Romans 11:15 (NIV) For if their rejection brought reconciliation to the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?
1 Timothy 1:15 (NIV) Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.
Romans 15:7 (NIV) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
Proverbs 22:1 A good reputation is more desirable than great wealth, and favorable acceptance more than silver and gold.
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Kevin Rayner
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1 comment:
Thank you for quoting Jean Illsley Clarke. Did you know she has a new Leader's Guide just published on overindulgence? See http://www.parentingpress.com/b_enoughlg.html
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