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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Problem Quotes

 Quotes About Problem 

  • Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. --Henry J. Kaiser
  • The best way out is always through. --Robert Frost
  • A problem well stated is a problem half-solved. --Charles Kettering
  • Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. --Robert H. Schuller
  • The way we see the problem is the problem. --Stephen Covey
  • The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. --ALAN SAPORTA

You Will Have Problems — But Will You Solve Them? | MWM
Problem Solve Your Way To The Top = Everyone has problems, but not everyone deals with them in the right way. How do you handle problems? When you are able to solve problems and help others solve problems, it allows you to move forward toward success. 

See Things as They Are | MWM
Build A Successful Life With Reality = The first principle of solving problems is to face reality. Reality is the foundation for problem-solving. Once you accept what is actually going on—and you don’t ignore or rationalize it—you can move forward with a solution. 
#Problems #Solution #Solved
Reality Is The Foundation To Success = Facing reality is the foundation to living a successful life. All of us are going to be faced with different problems and challenges in life, but the key to solving problems is to look at reality in order to find a solution.

The Secret to Solving Problems is Asking for Help | MWM
Be Open, Authentic, And Honest = The second principle of problem-solving is asking for help. None of us are as smart as all of us. When you ask others for help, who aren’t emotionally involved in your problem, you allow your problem to be seen objectively. This doesn’t diminish yourself in other’s eyes, it only diminishes the problem

Don’t Add to the Problem | MWM
Simplify, Don’t Complicate = The third principle of problem-solving is don’t add to the problem. Don’t make your problem bigger. Don’t allow it to snowball into a larger issue. Look at your problem, simplify it, and break it down into manageable parts—without adding more complexity. Fix the problem you have before you deal with your next issue. 
Don't Add To Your Problems, Simplify Them = When dealing with problems, don’t add to the problem. Instead of complicating a problem, reduce and simplify it, break it down into manageable parts, and fix the current problem before moving on to the next problem.

It’s Not the Size of Your Problem; It’s the Momentum You Come at it With | MWM
Managers Solve Problems, Leaders Create Momentum = The fourth principle of problem solving is to create momentum. Momentum can solve most problems. It builds energy and exaggerates things in a positive way that can carry you through a problem. It isn’t the size of your problem that is the issue, but the level of your momentum. The more you increase momentum, the more you can solve problems. 
Create Momentum, Solve Problems! = In life, it's not the size of your problem that determines if you can solve it or not, it's the momentum you come at it with that helps you solve it. Momentum solves problems. When you have a problem, one of the best ways to make it disappear is to create momentum. Momentum has energy and exaggerates things in a positive way. Create momentum, solve problems.
#Momentum #Obstacles #Problems #Solutions

The Key to Tenacious Problem-Solving | MWM
Believe There Is Always An Answer = The fifth principle of problem solving is believing that there is always an answer. If you don’t believe there is an answer to a problem you have, it can cause you to lose focus. You may ignore or run from your problem. When you focus on the answer and not the problem, it helps you develop a tenacious spirit to stay with the problem longer, looking for the answer. With this focus the problem will eventually go away. Don’t be overwhelmed by your problems, be grateful there are answers, and anticipate finding those answers. It will make you a better person. 
All Problems Have An Answer = When you are faced with a problem, always believe that there is an answer. Most go to the worst and think problems do not have an answer, but there is always a way to solve the problem. When you know there is an answer, you will look for the answer. And when you focus on the answer and not the problem, the problem will go away.

You Only Lose if You Don’t Learn | MWM
Learn From Your Problems = The sixth principle of problem solving is believing there is always a lesson in every problem. If you approach a problem correctly, it can make you better and lift you up. When we fail, we only lose if we don't learn. Next time you have a problem, find out what the lesson is and apply it to your life. 
Believe That There Is Always A Lesson = When you face any problem, believe that there is always a lesson. If you approach a problem correctly, it can make you better and lift you up. A problem is only a problem if you don’t learn something from it. So continue to find the lesson and learn from it.

Problems Will Improve You If You Let Them | MWM
Problems Create Opportunities = The seventh principle of problem-solving is believing there is always an opportunity. All problems create opportunities when you have the right attitude. If you look at a problem correctly, there is always an answer, always a lesson, and always an opportunity.
Every Problem Is An Opportunity = If you want to do good things with the problems you experience, you have to believe that every problem is an opportunity. And when you look at a problem correctly, there is always an answer. In life, and in leadership, sometimes a problem isn’t a problem, it is an opportunity for change.

Be A Problem Solver = Problems are everywhere, and we are all going to come across a problem of some sort each day. Everyone has problems, but very few want to solve them or deal with them. The issue isn't the problem itself, it's whether or not we are going to solve it. Be a problem solver.
Look At Reality = The reason we don't like problems is that they force us to look at ourselves and others—some problems we cause, and some fall onto us. It is important to look at reality, look at the problem for what it is and don't try to change it, and then deal with. Reality is the foundation for solving problems and being able to live a successful life.
Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help = When dealing with problems, ask for help. Asking for help often feels like a weakness, and it is hard to admit to yourself that you don't have the experience, the wisdom, or the resources to solve a problem. However, asking for help doesn't diminish yourself, it diminishes the problem, and allows you to let others into your life. 

Don't Add To The Problem = Don't add to the problem, solve it, and simplify it. Keep your problems very simple, break them down into manageable parts, and deal with the one you have in the moment before moving on to the next one.

Add Momentum to Solve Problems = When you have a problem, one of the best ways to make it disappear, is to have momentum and solve it. Momentum has energy and exaggerates things in a positive way. Momentum carries you through the problem. It's not the size of the problem that is the issue, it's the size of your momentum. 

There Is Always An Answer = Always believe that there is an answer. There is nothing good about a problem if you don't think there is an answer, but if you believe there is an answer, you will look for it. When you focus on the answer and not the problem, you will be less overwhelmed and more grateful that there is a solution to the problem.

Lessons Learned From Our Problems = There is a lesson in every problem. If you approach your problems correctly, they can make you better and lift you up. The key to knowing if your problem was successful is to ask yourself what you learned—what was the lesson. The lessons learned from each problem we face help make us better people.  

Every Problem Is An Opportunity In Disguise = Every problem that comes to you has an opportunity. Even if you don't see it initially, each problem has a unique solution and opportunity, and has the potential to help you grow as a leader. 



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1 Samuel 19:3 I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are. I will speak about you to my father. When I find out what the problem is, I will let you know."
Daniel 5:12 He did this because Daniel, whom the king called Belteshazzar, was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding, and also the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems. Call for Daniel, and he will tell you what the writing means.”
Ecclesiastes 8:1 (NET) Who is a wise person? Who knows the solution to a problem? A person’s wisdom brightens his appearance, and softens his harsh countenance.
1 Corinthians 7:28 (NET) But if you marry, you have not sinned. And if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face difficult circumstances, and I am trying to spare you such problems.
Philippians 4:6 ESV Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Proverbs 3:5 ESV Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Philippians 4:13 ESV I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Proverbs 3:6 ESV In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

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You Think About it!
Kevin Rayner

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