- Don't always try to be popular. It isn't possible for everyone to like you. It's far more important for you to like yourself. And when you respect yourself, strangely, you get more respect than when you court it from others. --Joyce Brothers
- He removes the greatest ornament of friendship who takes away from it respect. Cicero (106-43 b.c.)
- He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- I fear no one, but I respect everyone. --Roger Federer
- If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself. Spanish Proverb
- Respect is intended to operate on a two-way street. James C. Dobson (1936- )
- Respect is love in plain clothes. Frankie Byrne
- Respect is what we owe; love is what we give. Philip James Bailey (1816-1902)
- The respect of those you respect is worth more than the applause of the multitude. --Arnold Glasow
- There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old, there is no respect for age—I missed it coming and going. J. B. Priestly (1894-1984)
- I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble. --RUDYARD KIPLING
- Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others. --JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE

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R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Find Out What It Means
by: The John Maxwell Company
Below are seven action steps that can enable you to earn respect from those you lead.
- Respect yourself and those you work with
- Exceed the expectations of others
- Stand firm on your convictions and principles
- Possess maturity beyond your years
- Experience success in your family life and career
- Contribute to the success of others
- Think ahead of others
1) Respect yourself and those you work with
Self-respect comes with understanding who you are - your personality and purpose. You may not always win, but when you routinely give outstanding effort and you will experience success. Do not take failure or criticism personally. After failing, never give yourself permission to self-identify as a failure.
Respect is a building block of meaningful relationships, and it comes about when we place value on other people. As Ari Kiev writes, "Everyone wants to feel that he/ she counts for something and is important to someone. Invariably, people will give their love, respect, and attention to the person who fills that need." In other words, believing the best in people brings out the best in people.
CLICK HERE to read more!
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